
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Curing Test Anxiety

My AP class this year is really, really small. It has gone from 21 in AP Stats last year to 4 this year. Now, I had almost 20 want to take the class but some interesting scheduling conflicts arose, which made my enrollment dwindle. Regardless, the four kids I have are GREAT.

In other news, I am WAY behind in AP Stats. How does this happen? I have FOUR kids. Oh wait, that's right - they go on a field trip every other day. I'm not bitter. Haha... okay - maybe a little.

The great news is that these kids are mastering the content at a high level. I've never had all As and Bs in AP before.... well that was true until their last test. I had one student absolutely bomb the exam. The problem is said student KNOWS the content and just completely panicked on me. I could see it on the student's face during the test.

My question - how do I help fix the student's test anxiety? I give very similar study guides, we discuss a lot of theory in class. I feel like they are much more prepared for the content of the exams than my classes ever have been before?...


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